B.ART | Discovering Millo…
There are several ways to see the 13 walls designed by Millo:
– you can write to [email protected] to ask for advice on how best to arrange your visit. You can visit the works walking (3-4 hours duration) or by bike or bus (about 2 hours duration).
– if you are a school, university, or association and would like to organize a visit to the works independently, you can write to us and upon prior arrangement we will meet you on the day of the visit for an introduction about the project to learn more about Millo’s works, the B.ART project, other examples of public art, and the transformations of the Barriera di Milano area.
Do you want to visit the artworks?
We accept donations that will be used for conservation and restoration of the walls.
Donations are possible through the initiative “Il Mio Dono” by Unicredit, and available at the following link: